Spellbound Publishing Internship

I interned at Spellbound Publishing in Fall 2023 during my last semester at college. My work was done remotely and we used HoneyBook, ClickUp, and Canva to submit our work. I worked with authors and my supervisor to do character designs and made promotional images for their social media.


At the start of the internship, my supervisor asked me and others to create gnome versions of ourselves to showcase our style and make us part of the gnome brand name they had going on.

Manuscript Prompt Task

My supervisor asked all her interns to make 2 character turnarounds, an expression sheet, and 3 pages of full illustrations with text, based off of an example manuscript. This was meant to be pieces for authors to have a reference of what kind of style their artist would produce. 

My Process


Type Spec Booklet (Print)


Product Designs